36 Thaikarl time to go back in time


it's 6:25pm monday may  29th here in taiwan.  it is 15 hours earllier in seattle.  so when i catch the plane tonight at 11pm, after some 11 hours in the air i will arrive in seattle at 7:10pm, this same day.  going back in time.  appropriate. returning to my past, from this far eastern present.

what a long strange trip it's been.

i haven't felt like writing since i've been here in taiwan.  i will have to backfill the travelogue from seattle.  i have enjoyed my visit to nationalist china.  seen and done some interesting things. doug and jasmine have been very friendly and helpful to me.  and i miss tok, the family, and thailand very much.


i am in ???? at the moment. to be added or deleted from my travelogue, send request to this address. view previous posts at:  http://thaikarl.blogspot.com/

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