i'm still here in seattle. would much rather be home in thailand, but that's normal. i've realized that i have a lot in common with many immigrants to the states. people who's home is mexico, south america, asia, india can't find good paying work there, so they come here. they work, send money home to the family, and when they have enough saved up, go back to the home country till the money runs out, then come back to the states to work again. which is exactly what i do. i live as cheaply as possible when i'm here, send enough home to thailand to take care of Tok, mama and teri, and when i save up enough, i'll go home for two three months. the income stops when i get on the plane. i need roughly one thousand dollars per month that i'm home, plus plane ticket- which could be anywhere from $850 - $1200. a thousand a month when i'm home is more than i send over each month, but when i'm home we do more things, and i spend money that tok wouldn't- on tools, books, red-bull etc.
needless to say, this remote life is getting old. but somewhere out there, is the right contact, the right product, the right idea that will somehow, someway enable me to earn our living and (more) from within thailand. just don't know who or what that is. yet.
a number of my readers have told me that they miss my entries. i feel a little odd makiing entries in "thai country life" when i'm not in the thai country actually, so i don't update much when i'm in the states. but nearly everything i do here is for and by my life there, so why not tell you about it?
it's getting darker earlier here in seattle, and the rains and cold are approaching for real. meh. hoping i can get ahead to be home late december- but it's probably going to be january or february. so i'll still skip a good part of the winter. this is good.