131001 Thaikarl - Mexico! 02 Bahia Tortugas, MX


made it thru the first leg of the Baja Ha Ha.  Our trip down was interesting.  we were able to sail most of the way.  took forever to get away from the islands south of san diego.  but 50 miles down coast, a northerly rolled down, and we sailed steady in front of that.  ran jims asymmetrical spinnaker all the day and second night.   5-6 foot swells came up behind us, pushing the boat every which way.  rather exciting when the swells over power the auto-helm and the boat rounds up sideways to the waves.  one of owners of a  boat from the Coho Ho Ho rally we organized is a fellow crew member.  along with a sailor from canada, and Jim, owner of the Dawn Treader.  We all get along fairly well.  the 4 on 6 off watch schedule works well.  we arrived in turtle bay fairly well rested and ready to be warm and dusty.  there's a 104 boats in turtle bay from the Ha Ha.

Its a bit of a hoot to come to this tiny little seaside town, and know my way around - where the TelCell shop is, the wifi cafe, the grocery shops.  I bought a SIM card at the TelCel shop.  Needed to cut it down to fit my iPhone.  I modeled the size off the SIM in robs's iPhone 5.  got it all trimmed down with scissors and filing with a nail file.  then when i went to put it in my iPhone 4S, i discovered that the 4S uses a *micro* SIM, which is bigger than the *nano* SIM in the 5S.  bitten.  left the SIM card and minutes in robs phone and i'll have to buy another in Cabo San Lucas.

its been rather cold at night.  rob was saying this was not as he expected.  i told him "turtle bay" will warm up.  well we're here, and it's 80 degrees and sunny YES!!!!!! finally took my long johns off.

This afternoon is the pot luck beach party.  tomorrow morning we all leave in the morning for the next leg.

the adventure continues!