Why are the posts so old?

Years ago, when i started traveling, i would send email to my friends every time i there was an internet cafe available.  my email list grew, (its around 120 addresses in 2014) and some people were asking about old posts.  Blogger came along, and i started to cc. my emails to this blog.

when i'm home in Thailand, or traveling other places, i do feel inspired to write about my experiences.  so I post as often as i can get the power up.  what i write about, is immediate.  things i've done and seen within the last couple of days.  but then, i have to return to the United States.  my interest in posting about my life in the states is minimal.  more like none actually.  so the posts to my friends, and thus the posts to the blogsite stop.  because i'm in the states, and have nothing i care to write about from here.

i suppose i could post stories about events and experiences that didn't make it into the blog posts, but it has always just felt un-authentic to write about Thailand or Mexico sitting at a computer in Seattle.  my wife is always busy doing something, visiting relatives, doing her business, and occasionally she will send me a photo.  i think about posting the story behind the photos, but it just seems weird to write about Thailand when i'm not there.

maybe i'll get over this someday.  should i?

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