i was privileged to attend a most interesting event the other day. i'm working on the write up and uploading video (which takes for-ever). you'll get that posting tomorrow probably. my blog site was hijacked for a few days by some Chinese website. bastards. but it seems to be okay now. we've been doing so many things, i can't keep up. going to a 5 day funeral- the pre-cremation event today at the temple took 4.5 hours - been to the post office a few times. you can "mail" a motorbike here! we're sending the old motorbike down to our house in Ban Chang. we just took it to the post office, parked it around back and they'll take it to the post office down there. neato. going to see my dentist tomorrow, been to the meeting markets, shopping at the market in Lom Sak, over to relatives houses... working on the house (but only a little, i need batteries for my cordless drill - coming from the states) and... taking lots of photos.
i noticed today at the funeral, where there were several hundred people sitting on plastic chairs, that thai people rarely cross their legs when sitting on chairs. feet on the ground almost all the time. sometimes they will tuck a leg back to the side, but rarely one leg over the other.
we had some rain yesterday. which brought out a minor bloom of flying termites and other bugs. which brought out a bunch of frogs, hopping all over the porch. while we were eating dinner at the table, there were 5 frogs skittering around, snatching up the winged termites when they would crash into the ground and stun themselves momentarily. and the gekko's were running up and down the walls and ceiling sharing the feast.
there is a tokay gekko back in our house. i like that. he seems to be up in the roof near the bathroom. and when he calls,in a few minutes there are answering calls from the other tokays nearby. such a cool sound. you can hear it here. hey cool! when i played the tokay sound on the computer to test the link, the tokay at the neighbors called back a few seconds later.
there is a tokay gekko back in our house. i like that. he seems to be up in the roof near the bathroom. and when he calls,in a few minutes there are answering calls from the other tokays nearby. such a cool sound. you can hear it here. hey cool! when i played the tokay sound on the computer to test the link, the tokay at the neighbors called back a few seconds later.
there's a bug on the desk that looks just like an american cockroach. except the damn things fly!
toks already in bed sleeping. it's 10:22 and i haven't had my evening shower yet. off to do that now. in the moonlite.
Gorgeous the life!
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