i've been home in thailand for a few weeks now. unless you're on the FaceBook, twitter, instagram, tumblr, you havn't heard much of a peep from me. I have two iPads, and an iPhone. so much easier to post from there. except for typing, which is a pain on a touch-pad. as you might imagine, i've not been slacking, i've had some wonderful events and adventures in even this short time. but it wasn't until today that i decided to fire up the computer at our house... and it crashed, and crashed, and crashed, and blue-screen-of-death. finally got it working long enough to make an email ( i hope) we're going to go to the computer shop tomorrow and see about a new motherboard and OS install for the thing. it's like 5 years old already. ancient machine.
being home again, after pretty much a four year absence is nearly overwhelming. i've been away sooooo long. but it didn't take much time at all to remember why this is my home. seeing my wife and daughter, the heat, the food, the people, the craziness, the haphazard way things are sometimes put together, the incomprehensible language, un-readable signs... love it. i was in the taxi to the bus station the second day home, and i thought "if somebody walked up to me and said 'hey man, we got this gig for you, starting tomorrow, we'll pay you enough so you can live here full-time, take care of your family and have an adequate future, but you gotta start tomorrow' - i'd take it. there was nothing in the states that i would HAVE to go back and take care of. somebody could have all my stuff - i can get more stuff. the only thing i would miss would be my dear friends, especially my friends in SD. but nobody has made such an offer, so i'll be back.
meanwhile, my dear wife has me busy on the honey-doo list. relentless. we did witness and share in Teri's (my wife's daughter/my daughter) graduation from nursing school, spent time at our "White House" down in Ban Chang (south east Thailand) and had a little holiday to Ko Chang (an island off the coast towards Cambodia) - but i'll fill in those stories in later posts as soon as i get this computer up-dated.
since every bodies gone mobile, there aren't really any internet shops anymore. we couldn't find one in Ban Chang, but there are a lot more espresso coffee shops- a lot more. many of the PTT gas stations have "Amazon Coffee Experience" shops. there's a new station half a kilometer from our house now, with a 7-11! we haven't been in to the town even yet, and we've been in the village a week. i have repaired the termite damage to the ladder that goes to our bedroom house, and hung some tarps, and cut some wood, and fixed the gate lites, and primered the pots my wife wants to paint and...
more will be revealed. Onward!
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