131220 Thaikarl - Home Again, suddenly


my dear mother-in-law, died a few days ago.  she had only one kidney, and it's been operating at about 15% for a long time.  two years ago they found a tumor in her chest.  she was doing pretty well since then,  with frequent trips to the doctor for blood infusions and checkups, but the whole mess caught up with her a week ago, so she's moved on to her next life.

i got a call from Tok on saturday that mama was doing "very bad".  some dear friends loaned me enough to buy a quick ticket.  earliest i could get out was the following tuesday.  she died on sunday.  tuesday morning i was on KE 020, hop to bangkok where my step-daughter met me at airport, taxi to Mochit bus station, napped on waiting room seats, 6:00 am bus to lomsak, which broke down, another bus took us to petchabun, took a local bus to our village, changed cloths, got a ride to the temple where the cremation ceremonies were already in progress.  36 hours door to door.

i was privileged to observe and participate in the disposal of Mama's body, and the Tambun (make merit, honoring) that followed, with lots of food and well-wishers at the house.


i am here for such a short time, everything has to be compressed.  and as usual, i am amazed, intrigued, and steeped in mystery and awe to be home again.

wondereful the life!


"I am i that is me, but not you"   - Zeno America Das Leben ist ein langsamer Tod!


 visit http://www.thaicountrylife.com •••••••• อนุกูล

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